Условия за появата на предприемаческо съсловие в Сопот, Карлово и Калофер през Възраждането
Ивайло Найденов,
Институт за исторически изследвания – БАН
Резюме. Целта на настоящата статия е да бъдат изведени условията за появата на предприемаческо съсловие в Сопот, Карлово и Калофер през XVIII – XIX в.
Основният извод е, че съчетанието на благоприятна външна среда и подходящи лични качества обуславят появата на хора с предприемчив дух. С други думи казано, възрожденските предприемачи се раждат, но и създават чрез придобития опит и познание.
Ключови думи: Българско възраждане; предприемаческо съсловие; условия; Сопот; Карлово; Калофер
Сп. „История“, книжка 2/2020, година XXVIII
Възрожденското търговско предприемачество в светлината на новата икономическа социология
Ивайло Найденов
Институт за исторически изследвания – БАН
Abstract. Social networks, social capital and trust are fundamental concepts in the new economic sociology. At the same time, they provide the opportunity for analysis of uniform information contained in the personal and business correspondence of entrepreneurs during the Bulgarian National Revival period. The primary sources for the proposed study are published and mostly unpulished documents stored at the Bulgarian Historical Archive in the National Library in Sofia and in the Scientific Archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Hristo, Nikola and Ivan T. Pulievi managed to establish social network in Ottoman Bulgaria, while their relatives Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi expand their contacts and scope of activity in Romania, in London, Manchester, Marseilles, etc. Georgievi's ability to expand their web, to find new markets and commodities was very important prerequisite for their success. The available primary sources clearly show that the economic activity is socially embedded. Some basic moral norms (for instance honesty) played an important role in the way of thinking and behavior of the mentioned entrepreneurs. The Pulievi brothers, their nephews Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi, and their outside agents, managed to earn the names of honest merchants, thus attracting the "friends" they needed. Relationships between relatives and partners, as well as contacts with other contractors, vary from friendly to tense and sometimes hostile. If we take into account all the above mentioned aspects, we could acquire a detailed notion of the essence of commercial entrepreneurship during the Revival period.
Известия на Центъра за стопанско-исторически изследвания. Том VI, 2021, 59-69
Другото лице на националноотговорния предприемач: опиумните търговци на Балканите в края на XIX и началото на XX в.
Петър Добрев, Димитър Григоров
СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", ДА "Архиви"
Summary. It is a little-known fact that in the Interwar period between 40 and 80% of opium for the world markets was produced in the Balkans. Yugoslavia and Turkey were particularly active in this regard, but Bulgaria was also looking for its place under the sun. Since the end of the 19th century, Bulgarian governments had been trying to stimulate the cultivation of poppy, in order to produce opium. A number of enterprising traders and farmers were embarking on the crop in question and turning it into a lucrative business, maneuvering between changing international and domestic regulations. This paper tries to shed some light on the murky territory of opium entrepreneurship in the Balkans until the World War II, asking whether all successful entrepreneurial efforts are necessarily beneficial to society.
Based on archival analysis our paper presents research that for the first time examines opium’s role in some of the nation-states that emerged from the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire – Bulgaria, Turkey and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. We examine the multiethnic trade network that supplied opium and its derivative drugs not only in the Balkans, but also around the world. By using the example of key drug lords like Elie Eliopoulos we try to show that gangsters often had the same virtues related to the revered national capitalist and entrepreneur: decisiveness, risk taking, innovative thinking, the ability to form international networks. In this regard we are asking whether all successful entrepreneurial efforts are necessarily beneficial to society. Our paper is also a reminder that most successful entrepreneurs in most cases used some form of government protection and incentives.
Key words: Balkan trade networks, opium, drug trade, organized crime, entrepreneurship, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, Yugoslavia, Turkey
Известия на Центъра за стопанско-исторически изследвания. Том VI, 2021, 363-374
Стопанско-търговската мрежа на Евлоги Георгиев през
1839 г.
Александър Златанов
Институт за исторически изследвания – БАН
Abstract. The following research intends to examine and uncover the economic and trade network of Karlovo’s entrepreneur Evlogi Georgiev in 1839, based on his earliest preserved trade notebooks as a source kept today in the Historical Museum of Karlovo. It was precisely on 1 January 1839 that the famous “Pulievi – Georgievi” Company was established. The partners, Evlogi and his uncles Pulievi, signed the contract and distributed their roles and functions. The entity had three headquarters across the Balkans – Karlovo (operated by Hristo Puliev), Bucharest (operated by Evlogi Georgiev) and Galați (operated by Nikola T. Puliev). Thus, the main relationship and points of commercial and economic activity was as follows: Karlovo– Bucharest – Galați. The sources showed that the model of economic activity and trade includes the purchase of goods (mostly raw materials and semi-finished products) mainly from Karlovo and the region, which were sent through the network of associates on several main routes to the Danubian principalities for sale. Almost all exported commodities were transferred via Svishtov and Zimnicea on the Danube. The main products that “came out” of Karlovo region were woolen braid lace, woolen and cotton yarn, lining, leathers, bags, rice, baize, coarse woolen cloth or frieze, silk, madder, rose oil, etc. Evlogi Georgiev’s network operated in a considerable geographical area. The range extended into the hinterland of the European part of the Ottoman Empire (Rumelia), along the Danube River and to the north of then free-trading Danube principalities. The network itself of “Pulievi – Georgievi” Company relied exclusively on social capital – the Bulgarian emigrants and merchants along the Danube River. In this way, an effective structure of trusted collaborators and commissioners was built invital topographical points along the Danube River, which was of capital importance. Such network of trusted partners with fast contacts and exchanged information make the commercial activities efficient. Skillful coordination and leadership at the operational level by the Karlovo’s entrepreneurs, together with honest relationships throughout the network, increased the added value. The high quality Bulgarian goods, the main subject of trade, were also an important element of the success. All this leads to the conclusion that the economic and trade network for a long distance operations of E. Georgiev and his uncles built in 1839 was precisely the necessary stable and effective foundation, the first most important step, for the transformation of the Karlovo’s entity into one of the largest Bulgarian companies in the 19th century.
Известия на Центъра за стопанско-исторически изследвания. Том VII, 2022, 264–286
Regional Networks in Context. Economy and Trade in the Lower Danube Balkans of the 19th c.
Maria Baramova, Plamen Mitev, Ivan Parvev (eds.)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Description. The `Balkan space' in the 19th century fell into a zone of limited modernisation, which led to an unbalanced economic development. Therefore, the complexity of the circumstances requires research into the process by putting it into a European-wide and Balkan-regional context.
International scholars have seen the 19th-century Bulgarian economy as a local phenomenon resulting in very few extensive and detailed works. Accordingly, the editors hope the present study volume will contribute to filling that gap.
The case study of the broad and diverse network of people and ventures of the brothers Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi took the central stage of the book as an illustration of the evolution of the Bulgarian society and elite in the 19th century.
Maria Baramova, Plamen Mitev, Ivan Parvev (eds.). Regional Networks in Context. Economy and Trade in the Lower Danube Balkans of the 19th c. Berlin/Münster: LIT Verlag, 2023